Monday, April 26, 2010

Lots of faces around us here
I just love to see the way you're wild at heart
your airs and graces don't bother me
I just wanna see the world, my own way

A thousand miles of your life ahead
tell me what you dream at night where the wild things are
do you ever blow the clouds away
I just wanna be with you, can I stay

one beat away, one beat away from my heart

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When we breakdown, more important is what we build in its place.

A chance to build what has more inward and eternal value
A chance to build more inline with what we want to be about, the kind of life we came to live, the the kind of life we desire.
A chance to build the kind of support and foundation we need.
From the rubble of a wall, build a bridge.
Embrace the breakdown, only to break down what isnt inline/supporting our journey inward or what holds us from the inward direction.

Saturday, April 03, 2010


Stand for the inward value you seek, what you want your life to be more about. Take the jump.

If you fall, have faith that what you are falling from is not what you seek and

what you are "falling" to is a direction that will bring you closer to what you do seek.

A leap of faith.

Faith in the value you seek and that the universe will open that up to you if you stand for it and move.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You must love the thing you want to be about more than the thing you are about in the moment. It is the only way you will really move inward, the only way you will be more about what you want to be about.

You are in the path of the light. Light from the source. The light enters in you, and your prayer is what exits you. The only difference between the two is you. The closer that which leaves you is to the light the closer your disposition is to the light and lord. Your glow is how much light you allow to pass through you. The ego, the self serving, the outward are the aspect that absorbs the light and do not let it pass through. The rate of transmission of light, the measurement of the ability to conduct light from the source.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I may be in my own reality, I like it better than what the rest of the world wanders in.

Saturday, March 06, 2010


The stars are out, shining bright.
Can you see them?
Can you feel them?
Can you hear them?
Their songs sung from light years away.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Unexpected treasures find their way to me
I smile, supported from within
Full of heart
A gift that grows
The true meaning of wealth
When an angel looked over at me